This includes MASCHINE MK1, AUDIO 2 / 4 / 8 DJ and TRAKTOR S4 / X1 MK1 devices. You can repeat this process for any additional Instruments (Sounds) you may have loaded in MASCHINE.A Native Instruments legacy device is not recognized on macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or higher. You can play and sequence the Instrument or Sound on this track with your Maschine Pads.

Arm the Studio One Instrument Track you want to record.These are set to receive note-input over the respective MIDI Channels that were assigned (i.e. Note: In this example, our first Instrument is loaded in MASCHINE Sound 1 and an additional Instrument is loaded in MASCHINE Sound 2. In the Output section, enable Existing Instrument, choose Maschine 2 from the drop-down menu, and select the MIDI Channel associated with the next MASCHINE Instrument ( Sound) that is loaded.

Note: Melodic instrument sounds can be found in both of the Browser tabs outlined above. Open the MASCHINE 2 plug-in window and load a Sound or Instrument onto MASCHINE Sound 1.Insert MASCHINE as a Studio One Instrument plug-in.Sounds on Pads) to receive MIDI note input on each Pad individually. This chapter explains how to set up individual MASCHINE Instruments (i.e.