Fight your way trough the Beast Forest and get access to Dalton's Dungeon (Located northwest of Commons) 6. Head to the Beast Forest (Located southeast of Sargon's House) 5. Back to the Commons speak with the Elder again 4. Get to Sargon's House and wait a few seconds to get access to the Healing Device 3. Go to Commons and speak with the Elder 2. Go to Guardia Castle and talk to Marle Treasure: Guardia: Medina: Choras: Gold Rock, 100G, 250G White Rock Wallet* *You can get the Wallet if you go to Choras Casino and talk to the Girl at the right of the Blackjack Table Chapter 1 - Legacy of Zeal Story: 1. Optional - Check the Table on first Floor of Crono´s House, deliver the Cake to Mayors Manor (get 300G) and Postcard to Medina Inn and get a Nautishell (talk to your mom) as reward 2. If you need to find a specific section of the guide, use the CTRL + F feature! :D To Do List: -Improving the Guide all around -Adding Side Quests -Mentioning Bosses? (I tried to make the Guide as spoiler free as possible dunno if it worked out) -Monster/Steal Lists? Table of Contents 1) Walk Through Chapter 0 - CH0PRO Chapter 1 - CH1LOZ Chapter 2 - CH2DT Chapter 3 - CH3BTA Chapter 4 - CH4MOR Chapter 5 - CH5ATM Chapter 6 - CH6TBP Chapter 7 - CH7AED Chapter 8 - CH8AED2 Chapter 9 - CH9AED3 Chapter 10 - CH10SOR Chapter 11 - CH11FOG Chapter 12 - CH12TGF Chapter 13 - CH13AP Chapter 14 - CH14TGOM Chapter 15 - CH15TDON Chapter 16 - CH16STPL Chapter 17 - CH17UTB Chapter 18 - CH18TDT Chapter 19 - CH19DLS Chapter 20 - CH20LUPIR Chapter 21 - CH21DAT 2) Extra Endings in a New Game+ Walk Through Chapter 0 - Prologue - EXENNG+ Tip: I found Shelters to be very useful so always have some in your inventory Story: 1. will maybe guide and first time (Except the Giro - I’ve spent the majority of my work on the project maintaining documentation for Chrono Trigger hacking, maintaining the blog, coordinating between team members, and keeping in touch with different websites for game coverage (we’re getting a few of it.) I’m helping with this guide due to my extensive knowledge of the flow of the game and locations for the extra endings.
Chrono Trigger - Flames of Eternity Mini-guide by Ryushin V1.0 Proof Read by Giro Last updated Foreword: Ryushin - I wanted to make a little guide to help all people out who need some help trough the Game, it will not be as good as a Gamefaqs there will probably things missing, but I think it will be useful to players It will only tell the Straight way for now so no side quests Delivery Quest in Prologue) and no "hidden" areas.